Click here to register for a combi registration with the Student Association MFAS.

    Personal data

    First name


    Date of birth

    Address data

    Street name

    House number


    Place name

    Contact details


    Phone number

    Study data


    college year

    Payment agreement

    I agree with this registration for a membership of two years at Study Association MIKpunt. I will transfer the corresponding amount of €10 to the Study Association MIKpunt; IBAN: NL60 RABO 0325 0956 39 attn. MIKpunt stating my first and last name and student number.

    Privacy consent

    I agree that my email address will be saved for a maximum of 25 years so that I can be invited to alumni-related activities:

    I agree to be placed in a Whatsapp group to stay informed about MIKpunt events:

    I agree that photos may be taken of me during MIKpunt events, unless I email before an event that I dithdraw my consent:

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